The urgency and aptness of a different project prompted the temporary pause of this book. To my ardent supporters; and those who were expecting the book, kindly excuse the delay. As a consolation; all day one supporters will receive a FREE copy of “Predicting The Next 100 Year Corporations” book. As a token of my appreciation for your patience, you will also be compensated with the product I am working on. Since this book is about companies that will be around for 100 years, what is a little delay amongst us? By the time the book is published; Apple’s rumored car, and Tesla’s rumored phone could be on the market. Twitter could be well on its way to being America’s first everything App, akin to China’s WeChat. These and more, should compensate for the wait. Hence, it will be a far more interesting read. All the promises I’ve ever made have been kept. This will not be an exception. Subscribe to watch this space. Sorry for any inconvenience.