About the Book

It’s a bold title, why should I care?

At first sight, the book’s title might sound hyperbolic, worse case incredulous. If you are wondering why you should entertain the idea of browsing its pages, please click on the author’s bio above. Since the book is titled “Predicting The Next 100 Year Corporations” a look at the author’s track record and prior predictions will reveal they’ve all come true except for Zola, predicted in 2018; but still has five years to go. The author takes his work seriously, cares deeply about precision and the outcome matching, or exceeding any aforementioned predicted timeframe. Some huge names and public figures predicted Bitcoin’s future price, but eighty five percent were woefully off-base. It’s compiled online if you care to see. The author predicted Bitcoin will rise to, or above $15,000 in fourteen months; aligning to May 2020 or shortly after.  Obviously, the pandemic wasn’t factored in, but it still came to fruition in the same year. Prediction day March 3, 2019 Bitcoin price was $3,748.  It crossed $15,000 on November 5, 2020. Please view substantiating tweet.  The concept is conveyed via the lindy effect.  It simply means if you pick up the book in thirty years; the integrity of the thesis will retain its validity. 

What is the book about?

Predicting The Next 100 Year Corporations is about twelve companies which currently exist and have been identified as corporations which will last up to 100 years. It’s about the art and science of foretelling companies which are positioned to last for at least a century. Twelve corporations are featured, but more are discussed, and there’s a bonus company. The predictive nature of the book is rooted in empirical analysis. As the subtitle states; “we’ll dissect corporate DNA at the molecular level to forecast longevity.”  Readers will have the chance to rate each company digitally and manually. Check out the timeline, click this link for some predictions which came to pass already.

What’s new and different?

  1. The book is different for several reasons; chiefly because while writing, it inspired a business & technology conference called “Strategic Vision Conference” (SVC). 
  2. Technology will be integrated onto the book’s pages to blend the reader’s physical and digital worlds; for a richer and more immersive reading experience.
  3. Thirdly, rating of featured companies is open to the public. Click the Rate button to participate. Results will be published in the book.                                               
  4. The book’s website is unique and meticulously crafted to facilitate a participatory feel for the public.
  5. In terms of a living “100 Year Project” regarding big corporations which have a direct, and non-direct impact on aspects of our lives; people can chime in.
  6. An inordinate amount of time was invested in the project. Thousands of hours to be precise went into creating the custom website, researching, planning and writing the book for all to enjoy.


The book is intended for anyone already in business, or for those with an interest in creating and managing big businesses. However it may be more apt for C Level executives, upper management, consultants, entrepreneurs, professors, business schools and business students.


You don’t have to write a word, but you can still participate. Rating brands and the book’s promotion are open to the public as a crowd source project. Anyone can contribute to the book’s success by rating corporations, sharing on social media or by donating. Rating delivers transparency to brands, and the results are published in the book. Please note, sincerity is the barometer which brands will use in improving the goods and services we buy. You can RATE manually in the book or digitally.


What will I learn?

Although the book is focused on the ingredients and factors which foster business operations lasting or outlasting 100 years; it covers entrepreneurship, strategy, business history, game theory, corporate machinations and how to think big for the long-haul. You will learn the secrets of how these companies became the way they are. We’ll explore how, and what made the G.AM.A, B.I.T.U and S.N.L.D corporations great. We’ll also go back in time to the origin of each corporation in order to dissect, unravel and understand what set them apart. G.A.M.A, B.I.T.U and S.N.L.D are acronyms the author coined for mnemonic purpose.   G.A.M.A stands for Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon also known as the four horsemen of global tech or the sine qua non of the tech world.  B.I.T.U stands for Bloomberg, Intel, Tesla, Universal Parks & Resorts and S.N.L.D. stands for Samsung, Nike, LinkedIn and Disney.

  • Please do not consider this as financial advice, but it could help in narrowing down which stocks or companies to buy as long term investments.
  • It’s a lesson in strategy, strategic vision and mirroring the techniques some companies deplored to gain huge success by thinking differently.


Take away skill  

Although different people will have different opinions about the same thing, the content of each chapter is arranged in such a way that it parallels the next. The intention is for the reader to identify, or be equipped with pattern recognition skills. Hopefully, you will be able to piece together what constitutes a potential or well-positioned 100 year corporation. After reading the book, you may begin to observe differently. Perhaps focusing more on insight, as opposed to relying on eyesight. The most important thing is the application of the skill to one’s life, career, relationships, business dealings and decision making.


Are there more 100 Year Corporations?

Yes there are more companies that are well-positioned to operate for at least 100 years. Regarding the coveted centennial status; the featured corporations are the ones which made the list. Hence, if your favorite company is not featured, perhaps an opportunity might arise in the future. In total, there are thirteen corporations, refreshing the page displays the thirteenth company.


Disclosure. No Endorsement. No Advocacy.

None of the selected 100 year corporations paid to be in this book.  Citing Bill Gates’ and Jeff Bezos’ net worth to reach $100 billion before they did, were part of a predictive exercise nothing more. Given the book’s title, it seemed appropriate to use in showcasing the author’s track record and prior predictions.

P.S.  If you’ve watched the book’s promo video, although it sounds like the voice-over narrator is saying “attempt to put on my Nostradamus head,” he said hat not head.  Just wanted to clarify. 

Thank you!




Keynote @ MGM Grand: How Do Corporations Become Enduring Entities