Before placing your order, look at category F below.

Hello There!
Thank you for intentionally finding or stumbling upon this site. Some of you may have read my online publications, and if we’re getting acquainted for the first time, the pleasure is all mine.
I look forward to meeting you in person. In the meantime, join me on this eventful journey, as I attempt to put on my Nostradamus hat and look into the future to “Predict The Next 100 Year Corporations.” It’s a collaborative project which is open to the public, your participation will be highly appreciated and rewarded. Don’t worry, you don’t have to write, just rate the corporations which are featured in the book
Thank you!
You Can Support By
- Sharing on Social Media
- Donating monetarily toward the project, which memorializes the individual
- Promoting the book by using the hashtag, #100YearCorporations
Come along! Join us in supporting the campaign as we raise awareness for this interactive book, which we are asking the audience to participate in. Your support plays a big part in expediting and securing appropriate distribution.
Perks for Monetary Contribution?
- $25 = [ Pick up at local book event ] [Appreciated on The Memory Wall] [ Autographed]
- $50 = Autographed copy + digital copy which contains (photos and web links) + (Appreciated The on Memory Wall + Access to exclusive videos and thought provoking articles.)
- $60 = [Autographed copy shipped overseas ] + [Appreciated The on Memory Wall] [Digital Extras]
- $100 = Receive 2 autographed book copies + digital copy which contains (photos and web links) + decorative Bubble head on the (Memory Wall) + Entrepreneurial resource to help with your next business venture +[A B & D]
- $250 = Invitation to “Strategic Vision Conference” NY conference. (VIP seat & treatment) (Invitation to future events/product launch) (Free swag distributed only at event venue) + [A B & D]
$1,000 PlusPlatinum
$500 - $999Gold
$250 - $499Silver
$100 - $249Bronze
$25 - $99Copper
$5 - $24 - Bulk discount% for universities, colleges and educational institutions that pre-order a minimum of 400 copies.
They will be recognized and thanked at “Strategic Vision Conference” NY conference. - Bulk discount% for companies that pre-order 400 copies or more. They will be recognized and thanked at “Strategic Vision Conference” NY conference.
- $1,000 plus = An excellent evergreen (PR & Ad) opportunity for a business person or public figure to showcase their business or personal brand. Publicize your social presence and website on a culturally significant book. Be memorialized in print and digitally (your image appears in the book and on the web). $2,000 = Book a virtual 1 hour meeting with a follow-on, in-person brunch with the author. He's also the Founder & CEO of EMC; a management consultancy firm.
I would like to thank everyone who read my online articles and took the time to send positive messages
The conference and book’s success will be a triumph for everyone involved. To all supporters, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

*Disclaimer: Paypal uses Donate button, but we’ve added the Pre order button to clarify that funds which equal $30 or more, will be awarded perks. Once published, as long as your pre-order amount is a minimum of $30, your copy will be shipped to your U.S. address, no Shipping or Handling fee *** Before you support with an amount, please check out the perks above (A to H) *** If you’re abroad, please order the e-book (value = $20). Alternatively, a minimum of $60 should secure your hard copy. The difference in price is the transactional cost paid to mail the book overseas. As changes occur, we’ll inform you.