The Next 100 Year Corporations
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Thank you for intentionally seeking or stumbling upon the site. Since our first acquaintance is online, I can’t wait to meet you in person. In the meantime, join me on this eventful journey of making “The Next 100 Year Corporations” a success. It’s a collaborative project, so come alongLet’s Make History Together. Feel free to collaborate by supporting, you can…
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The project is currently raising awareness to convince publishers that people can’t wait to read the book. I am committed to publishing, but your assistance in making that dream a reality is required and will be appreciated. Publishers need to see that we’ve reached, or exceeded our $15,000 pre-order goal, and made enough promotional noise online. That will help secure a deal for mass distribution and promotion. It’s a unique book infused with technology, that’s as much as I can share for now.
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