Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to switch from one account to another in MetaMask, specifically to connect your address list:

Switching to Account B (or any other connected account)

To connect multiple accounts and seamlessly switch between them, follow these steps. Keep in mind that this process assumes that you’ve already set up MetaMask for each of the connected accounts.

1. Connect all accounts

First, make sure that all of your accounts are connected and verified in your MetaMask wallet. If your account isn’t already connected, click “Connect” next to it in the list.

Switching between accounts

  • Open MetaMask

– Launch MetaMask on any device.

– Make sure you have at least one connected account (this can be one or multiple accounts, but only one connection is required for switching).

  • Connect Account A

– Click the “Account List” button in the top right corner of MetaMask. A drop-down list opens with all your connected wallets.

  • Select Account B

    Metamask: How can I switch to address in list connected address in metamask?

– Find the account you want to switch to (in this case, Account B). Select it from the drop-down list.

  • Switch to Account A or B

– To switch back to Account A or keep your current connection to one of the other accounts, click “Disconnect” next to that account’s name in the same window.

  • Signature pop-up (optional)

If you get a signature pop-up after switching accounts, it usually indicates the transaction details and asks if you want to sign the message. You can choose:

– Yes: Sign the message.

– No: Don’t sign the message.

– Later: Select this option later in your session.

Important Notes

– Each linked account is verified separately before being allowed to switch.

– Switching accounts does not affect your MetaMask balance or transaction history.

– You can switch accounts at any time by following these steps.

– Make sure all your accounts are synced and updated before attempting to switch between them, especially if there have been transactions that affect those accounts.

This guide should help you navigate merging multiple accounts in MetaMask. If you encounter any issues during the switching process or have further questions about MetaMask features, please feel free to ask!

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